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Brent's testimonial

Karen Pic"I was not looking to have perfect teeth at 54 years old. I just wanted to be able to smile with confidence and not show my crowded bottom teeth. Plus, I had so much over-crowding that my tongue looked like a 3 dimensional map of mountains...and valleys! It may not have been so noticeable to others but it really bothered me. All I could think was, that my grandchildren were going to remember me as the grandma with the crooked teeth and an ugly tongue!

Thanks to Dr. Costanzo and his staff, for developing a plan to fix my smile and help me through the process. His staff is very friendly and fun. They always made me feel comfortable and welcomed. Everyone has a smile on their face throughout the visit. It's a casual yet professional environment. I would recommend Costanzo Orthodontics to old and young alike!"

-Karen Gray-Leach